
Emphasized that god realization is a supreme goal of all living beings


Diabetic awareness campaign

was conducted succesfully with the support of active members

Friday, September 9, 2011

Acorus calamus

Acorus calamus  (Sweet  flag)

“Pediatric medicine” –  a  brain  tonic
Botanical name : Acorus calamus 
Family : Araceae
Vernacular names:

Sanskrit: Haimavathi, Vacha 
Hindi:  Bajai, Gora-bach, Vasa
Tamil: Vasambu
Malayalam: Vayambu           
Marathi: Vekhand
         Telugu: Vadaja 
         Kananda: Baje

Medicinal  uses :
  • The decoction prepared from vasambu and liquorice (athimathuram) is given for pediatric ailments like cough, fever pain in the abdomen etc.
  • The rhizome is burnt and the ashes are mixed with coconut oil and applied over the lower abdomen for flatulance.
  • Traditionally the new born child is given vasambu and the main intention to give this medicine is proper brain devolopment, speech ability, better visual power, increased seminal power, brings beauty and neutralises any toxicities in our body.
  • The powder of this rhizome if consumed daily in the dose of 100 to 700 mg is very beneficial for strengthening the nervous system. It should be noted that a dose above 1 gram may lead to vomitting.
  • The powder of vasambu is mixed with honey and given internally for fitz. During this treatment if only milk is given internally then the results will be more effective.
  • To prevent epilepsy in children this rhizome is prepared as an amulet and tied in the body of the child preferably waist.
Acorus calamus is also found to possess  anti-oxidant, diuretic, anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory activities
Extract of Acorus calamus rhizomes  exhibited significant anti-inflammatory effect in experimental animals like acute and chronic models which was observed to be well comparable with that of the reference drugs like hydrocortisone, phenylbutazone etc.